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Efter et år fuld af koncertafsavn, kan vi begynde at skimte lys for enden af corona-tunnelen: I 2021 tager HEAVEN SHALL BURN og TRIVIUM endelig på turné igen.
Efter en to års pause fra koncerter, er Heaven Shall Burn mere end klar til at stå på en scene igen. Planen havde været, at de skulle ud og lufte det dobbeltalbum ‘Of Truth and Sacrifice’ – som nåede at blive nummer et på de tyske hitlister – men coronapandemien satte en stopper for dét. Nu tør de godt planlægge en ny turne, og det bliver med deres gamle venner i Trivium.
Og Bandleder Maik Weichert er glad, “There has been a strong and special connection between Trivium and Heaven Shall Burn since the earliest days. When we met Trivium for the first time, they were very young but already highly talented youngsters, today they´re a global power of metal. Over the years Heaven Shall Burn and Trivium destroyed small clubs and demolished big arenas together, we had great times together in both Saalfeld and Sydney. We´re proud and touched, that our common history is now being continued and we finally tour Europe with the guys again.”
Og Trivium fortæller også om deres forventninger til den kommende turné: “Heaven Shall Burn was one of Trivium’s earliest introductions to Hardcore/Metalcore mixed with Melodic Death and Death Metal; with very important lyrics that dealt with society and the world as a whole. We started off on the same record label back in the early 2000’s.”
Også Trivium kan næsten ikke vente på at få præsenteret deres nye sange live. I foråret 2020 udgav de deres niende album ’What The Dead Men Say.’
Heaven Shall Burn og Trivium vil blive støttet af ingen ringere end Prog-Metallerne TesseracT og Deathcore-bandet Fit For An Autopsy. “To top the line up off two exceptional bands, TesseracT and Fit for an Autopsy, have agreed to join us,” fortæller Maik from Heaven Shall Burn. Trivium er enige, “Fit For An Autopsy are some of our best friends on the planet and one of our favorite bands; and TesseracT is a band we’ve been dreaming of touring with. THIS is the tour to bring back touring in Europe.”